Monday, April 21, 2008

What does the dog say?

After a harrowing 10 days of traveling (both to Boston and Nashville), all-nighters on labor and delivery, and mounds of paperwork at the office, this Doctor Mom was ready for a few days (really only about 24h) of R&R. Or, should I say, E&D (eating and drinking). And playing of course.

Elizabeth continues to win friends and influence people at all points, including the 4 Bridges Art Festival here in Chattanooga this weekend. This is a venue where we were quite happy of her immobility, as stroller confinement at least prevents expensive "oopsies".

Her newest trick is animal sounds. She especially likes cat and dog, but is getting better with duck and cow. She's also started spearing food with her baby fork, which, for our lazy eater, who would rather smear with her fingers, is quite an accomplishment.

(Of note, I've been trying to upload a video clip since last night, and after the third failed attempt I'm giving up. It was a really good clip, too.)

Time to head to work!

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